Weather in Sydney?
The weather in Sydney compared to Uppsala in Sweden is very different in March. Here in the Sydney the average temperature is 22 degrees Celsius where as in Uppsala its about -2 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is very low in Uppsala were as in Sydney it can be unpredictable, we may have a dry March or have a wet March.
Explain what the weather is like in Sydney and the average temperatures:
The normal clothes worn in March in Sydney is usually wearing shorts and a t-shirt with thongs or in closed shoes. Some days there can be a wind chill factor so it would be best bring a pair of jeans and a warm top.
However back in Uppsala during March you would be wearing jeans, long shoes, thick socks, warm top, jacket, scarf and beanie as the weather can be -2 degrees Celsius but wind chill factors can make it feel like -11 degrees Celsius.
Weather in Thredbo:
When we go to Thredbo in May to ski you will need to bring along warm clothes with your suitable for skiing. You'll need a ski jacket, jeans, track pants, thick socks, ski pants, beanie, sunnies, gloves and your usual winter gear. The weather will be cooler there with the max average temp being 10 degrees Celsius, which is probably warm for you over in Sweden. It can get down to -10 degrees Celsius so it you will benefit if you bring along your Swedish winter clothes.
Here in Sydney when you come it will be hot. You'll need a lot of summer clothes and a few winter clothes. Pair of jeans and a warm top. I would usually wear a t-shirt and shorts around and on the odd occasion where it is cool at night I will wear a pair of tackies. When it's march in Sweden the weather will be fairly different. The temperature will be below 0 in uppsala and you will be wearing lots of winter clothes and wouldn't even think about wearing shorts or a t-shirt.
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